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Hotel Ganischgerhof Deutschnofen Dolomiten Südtirol
The Ganis Family
The Ganis Family
The Ganis Family
The Ganis Family
The Ganis Family

Family Pichler in Eggental Valley

What makes the Ganischgerhof so unique? Clearly, the Ganis Family.

From the early days with the establishment of Ganischgerhof, our reality has grown significantly to become a large family today. Leni and Walter’s four sons jointly manage three facilities in Val d’Ega and in the ski and resort of Obereggen-Latemar. Together with their 100 employees, they work together to offer unique holiday experiences to their guests. Many guests, after spending a vacation with us, have returned multiple times, drawn by the charm of these places and by the sense of belonging to the Ganis Family.


When the first rays of sun filter through the restaurant windows and Leni serves coffee with her warm smile, when Klaus guides guests to discover the most beautiful slopes in the area, or when Georg pours the last beer of the day at Ganischgeralm, special moments are created and remain etched in memory.
Guests immediately feel part of this family,” say those who, despite their differences, feel welcomed here: in the Ganis Family.

The family Pichler consists of Leni, Walter, and their four sons. With warmth and a great passion for hospitality, they welcome guests, sharing their love for these mountains. Many return for years to enjoy the countless opportunities offered by the beautiful Dolomites, whether it’s skiing, hiking, mountain biking, or golf, with the chance to meet Andreas, Georg, Klaus, or Markus and spend time with them.

Leni & Walter Pichler

Georg, Andreas, Markus & Klaus Pichler

“Our commitment is passionate,” state the four brothers about themselves. With total dedication to their jobs, they exert all their energy in the activities of the Ganis Family, managing not only the Ganischgerhof Hotel but also Ganischgeralm and Gardoné.

The direct involvement of the “captains” in all activities is not only appreciated by guests, who always find an important point of reference, but is also crucial to earn respect and the same dedication from the 100 employees of the Ganis World. “I truly feel at home here” says, for example, chef Youss, who, since 2013, with great commitment alongside his team, takes care of the culinary reputation of the Ganis Family. We meet Sla, who has been working here for an eternity like many others and who smiles, saying, “I’ve known the guys since they all had much longer and thicker hair!” “What I’ve learned over the years is that everyone in the team is challenged but also supported, and the fact that everyone supports each other contributes to creating a special bond.”

For example, Georg, who once a week sets off for a sunrise hike with enthusiastic guests! But whose commitment is also poured every day at Ganischgeralm, where legendary parties have been celebrated, and where Georg, aka DJ Schicky, has ensured thrilling nights. Or Markus, who often works behind the scenes but who, at the partys at Ganischgeralm, manages to be regularly behind the counter to prepare the latest trendsetting Gin and Tonics for guests, creating and mixing drinks with love and expertise! And then, of course, there’s Klaus, whom you can see at work preparing a special tartare at a table at Gardoné, a must-visit for the enthusiasts. Still, in the evening, he also takes care of the service at the Ganischgerhof restaurant, delighting guests with his culinary and sommelier expertise.

Georg alias DJ Schicky at Ganischgeralm

Markus at the golf course

Biking with Klaus in Eggental Valley

Ski adventures with Andreas

“The beautiful thing is that we always meet somewhere along the way,” says Stefan, who stops at Ganischgerhof several times a year. “We always find ourselves fully involved in the great Ganis Family because guests, employees, and hosts are all immersed in the Ganis world, enjoying what is so unique here: living and appreciating nature in all its beauty.”

Leni and Walter look satisfied with all of this and remember how it all started many years ago and developed with so much vitality over the years. Every morning at five, Leni is the first to be at the hotel to start preparing breakfast for guests. And so, every day for 45 years, Dad Walter, before heading to Ganischgeralm, takes time to have breakfast with her. Sitting back and contemplating their life’s work is not an option; the founding members of the Ganis Family still feel fully part of the group, managing to transmit their passion and pass on responsibilities to their children. “Stopping helping is practically impossible,” says Walter. “We grew up like this, and it would be unthinkable otherwise.” Leni and Walter emphasize that it’s not just about the work itself. Anyone who listens to them and observes them understands clearly: the matter is simple; it’s the Ganis Family.


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